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Program Day 1 (4 June 2012)

Table header results
8:30 Registration
9:30 Welcome
9:45 Keynote: To Cloud or Not To. The Economics of Cloud Computing OR Why and When Storing Data in Clouds is Not a Good Idea,
Radu Sion (Stony Brook University)
10:45 Break
  Session 1 - Web
Chair: Michael Factor
11:15 Comparing High-performance Multi-core Web-server Architectures,
Ashif S. Harji, Peter A. Buhr, Tim Brecht (University of Waterloo)
11:40 Methodologies for Generating HTTP Streaming Video Workloads to Evaluate Web Server Performance,
Jim Summers, Tim Brecht (University of Waterloo), Derek Eager (University of Saskatchewan), Bernard Wong (University of Waterloo)
12:05 On Extracting Session Data from Activity Logs (short paper),
David Mehrzadi, Dror G. Feitelson (Hebrew University)
12:20 Short Break
  Session 2 - Memory & Prediction
Chair: Dror Feitelson
12:40 On Open Nesting in Distributed Transactional Memory,
Alexandru Turcu, Binoy Ravindran (Virginia Tech)
13:05 Optimizing Indirect Branches in a System-level Dynamic Binary Translator,
Toshihiko Koju (IBM Research Tokyo), Xin Tong, Ali Ijaz Sheikh (IBM Canada), Moriyoshi Ohara, Toshio Nakatani (IBM Research Tokyo)
13:30 Lunch (sponsored by IBM)
  Session 3 - Scheduling
Chair: Peter Desnoyers
14:30 Improving Application Responsiveness with the BFQ Disk I/O Scheduler,
Paolo Valente, Mauro Andreolini (Università di Modena e Reggio Emilia)
14:55 An Experimental Evaluation of Real-Time DVFS Scheduling Algorithms,
Sonal Saha, Binoy Ravindran (Virginia Tech)
15:20 Processing Data Streams with Hard Real-Time Constraints on Heterogeneous Multi-GPU Systems,
Uri Verner, Assaf Schuster (Technion -- Israel Institute of Technology), Avi Mendelson (Microsoft & Technion -- Israel Institute of Technology), Mark Silberstein (University of Texas at Austin)
15:45 Short Break
16:05 Keynote: Full Speed in Reverse -- Why Reverse Engineering Helps to Protect Your Programs,
Herbert Bos (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam)
17:05 Posters
18:05 End of Day #1

Program Day 2 (5 June 2012)

Table header results
8:30 Registration
9:00 Keynote: ACID: The Wrong Way to Think About Concurrency,
Emmett Witchel (University of Texas at Austin)
10:00 Short Break
  Session 4 - Operating System & Virtualization
Chair: Muli Ben-Yehuda
10:20 GPUstore: Harnessing GPU Computing for Storage Systems in the OS Kernel,
Weibin Sun, Robert Ricci (University of Utah), Matthew L. Curry (Sandia National Laboratories)
10:45 Cells: A Virtual Mobile Smartphone Architecture (highlights track, SOSP 2011 best paper),
Jeremy Andrus, Christoffer Dall, Alexander Van't Hof, Oren Laadan, Jason Nieh (Columbia University)
11:10 ELI: Bare-metal Performance for I/O Virtualization (highlights track, ASPLOS 2012),
Abel Gordon (IBM Research Haifa), Nadav Amit (Technion -- Israel Institute of Technology), Nadav Har'El (IBM Research Haifa), Muli Ben-Yehuda (IBM Research Haifa & Technion -- Israel Institute of Technology), Alex Landau (IBM Research Haifa), Assaf Schuster, Dan Tsafrir (Technion -- Israel Institute of Technology)
11:35 Towards Exitless and Efficient Paravirtual I/O (short paper),
Abel Gordon, Nadav Har'El, Alex Landau (IBM Research Haifa), Muli Ben-Yehuda (IBM Research Haifa & Technion -- Israel Institute of Technology), Avishay Traeger (IBM Research Haifa)
11:50 Break
  Session 5 - Solid State Drives
Chair: Ethan Miller
12:20 BVSSD: Build Built-in Versioning Flash-based Solid State Drives,
Ping Huang, Ke Zhou, ChunHua Li, Hua Wang (Huazhong University of Science & Technology, Key Laboratory of Data Storage Systems, Ministry of Education of China, Wuhan National Lab for Optoelectronics)
12:45 Analytic Modeling of SSD Write Performance,
Peter Desnoyers (Northeastern University)
13:10 SAC: Rethinking Cache Replacement Policy for SSD-based Storage Systems,
Zhiguang Chen, Nong Xiao, Fang Liu (National University of Defense Technology)
13:35 Lunch (sponsored by IBM)
15:00 Tour & Dinner
20:00 End of Day #2

Program Day 3 (6 June 2012)

Table header results
8:30 Registration
  Session 6 - Storage
Chair: Avishay Traeger
9:00 MyCassandra: A Cloud Storage Supporting both Read Heavy and Write Heavy Workloads,
Shunsuke Nakamura, Kazuyuki Shudo (Tokyo Institute of Technology)
9:25 Reducing Impact of Data Fragmentation Caused By In-Line Deduplication,
Michal Kaczmarczyk, Marcin Barczynski, Wojciech Kilian, Cezary Dubnicki (9LivesData, LLC)
9:50 Understanding Data Survivability in Archival Storage Systems,
Yan Li, Ethan L. Miller, Darrell D. E. Long (UC Santa Cruz)
10:15 Insights for Data Reduction in Primary Storage: A Practical Analysis (short paper),
Maohua Lu, David Chambliss, Joseph Glider, Cornel Constantinescu (IBM Almaden Research Center)
10:30 Break
11:00 Keynote: The End-to-end Argument for Storage Systems,
Remzi H. Arpaci-Dusseau (University of Wisconsin, Madison)
12:00 Concluding Remarks
12:10 Lunch Box Distribution
12:30 End of Day #3
13:30 Beginning of the TCE'12 Conference at the Technion