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Visit to Caesarea National Park - May 23, 2017, Afternoon
Price: 100 NIS. Free for organizers, sponsors, and speakers.

Tour guide: Yair Zeidner

This year we will visit the extraordinary historical site of the Roman city of Caesarea. On our way from the top of the Carmel Mountain Range to the Coastal Plain of Israel, we will follow a scenic road that passes through a natural mountainous landscape. Following a 45-minute drive we will enter a time tunnel. Through Caesarea National Park’s gate, we will go back 2000 years in time to explore the remains of a beautiful Roman City that lies on the waterfront of the Mediterranean Sea. We will start with an introductory movie relating the basic story and history of the important port city of Caesarea. We’ll continue touring the site with vivid accounts of the Hippodrome, Theatre, and The Reef Palace.

We hope to convey the significance of ancient Caesarea to Christianity and the meaning of modern Caesarea to Israelis.

Shortly before sunset, we will drive to the preserved aqueduct that transported water to the city. We will walk through its arches towards the sandy beach, with an opportunity to dip our feet in the relatively warm waters of the Mediterranean Sea.

We will conclude our eventful afternoon with a meal in a restaurant in Zikhron Ya'akov.

Student Event - May 22, 2017, After the Poster Session

Night out (mostly) for students -- Join us for a joyful evening of beer and refreshments at a local bar.

SYSTOR will provide transportation from the conference to the bar (but not back to the hotels).

Exact information will be provided on the day of the event.

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